How to check if a website is built with Vue?

Updated Written By Christoffer
How to check if a website is built with Vue?

Vue is a popular Javascript framework for developing user interfaces and single-page applications.

It enables developers to create reactive components, meaning the UI automatically updates in response to application state changes.

It is one of the most used front-end frameworks.

If you want to check whether a website has been built with Vue.js, you can use two methods: 1) use an online detector tool or 2) check the source code of the website manually.

Method 1) Use an online detector tool

An online tool is the best option if you want an answer quickly. This is how you can check it:

  1. Copy the website URL.
  2. Paste it into our Vue detector tool.

You will quickly receive an answer as to whether the website is built with Vue.js and what other technologies it uses.

Method 2) Check the source code of the website manually

  1. View Page Source: Right-click on the webpage and select “View Page Source” or press Ctrl+U (Windows) or Cmd+Opt+U (Mac). This will open a new tab showing the page’s HTML source code.
  2. Search for Vue.js Script: Use Ctrl+F (Windows) or Cmd+F (Mac) to open the find feature in your browser—type “vue” in the search box, look for a Vue.js script tag. Vue.js websites often include the Vue.js library as a script, so that you might find something like <script src="...vue.js"></script>.
  3. Inspect the Elements: Right-click on the webpage, select “Inspect,” or press F12 to open the Developer Tools. Navigate to the “Elements” tab. Look for data-v-* attributes or v-bind:/:attribute, v-model, and other Vue-specific directives in the HTML elements indicate Vue.js usage.
  4. Check the Console for Vue: Go to the “Console” tab in the Developer Tools. Type Vue and press Enter. If the website uses Vue.js, you might see the Vue constructor function or an error message indicating that Vue is not defined. If Vue is defined, it’s likely being used on the page.
  5. Network Tab for Vue Files: Go to the “Network” tab in the Developer Tools and refresh the page. Filter by “JS” to see JavaScript files. Look for files with “vue” names, which might indicate the Vue.js framework or related plugins being loaded.

If you get a match for steps 2-5, you can be confident that the website is built with Vue.

Check out our guide on which website platform is used.

Website builders

E-commerce platforms


Javascript frameworks

Article by

Christoffer Pettersen

Founder, Web developer

Pettersen is the founder of Stackcrawler, a platform that helps analyze tech stacks. He is passionate about new trends and technologies in the software industry.