How to check the jQuery version on any website?

Updated Written By Christoffer
How to check the jQuery version on any website?

jQuery has been around since 2006, and many websites have been powered by it.

Even though it is nearly 20 years since its debut, it is still being used on many websites.

jQuery is a fast, small, and feature-rich JavaScript library designed to simplify the process of writing JavaScript code.

We can use two methods to identify jQuery on a website and its version: 1) use an online jQuery version detector or 2) check the source code manually.

Method 1) Use an online jQuery version detector

This is the simplest and fastest way to check the jQuery version.

  1. Copy the URL of the website you want to check.
  2. Paste it into our jQuery version detector tool.

In a few seconds, you will discover whether jQuery is used, its version, and other tools the website uses.

Method 2) Check the source code manually

This method is a bit more tedious but still manageable with our guide.

  1. Inspect HTML source: Open the website in a browser, right-click on the page, and choose “View Page Source” or similar depending on the browser.
  2. Look for <script> tags that include jQuery: Search for script tags that include jQuery, e.g. <script src=""></script>.
  3. Search for jQuery objects or functions in the console: Open the browser’s Developer Tools and switch to the “Console” tab. Type jQuery or $ and press Enter. If jQuery is in use, this will return a function. If jQuery is not defined, the console will typically show an error like Uncaught ReferenceError: jQuery is not defined.
  4. Get the version: Navigate to the “Console” tab, and type jQuery.fn.jquery or $.fn.jquery and press Enter. This will return the currently loaded version of jQuery. For example, it might return something like "3.6.0".
  5. Check the .js files: Sometimes, jQuery can be hidden inside a custom .js file. Open the javascript files and check if jQuery is defined inside any file. You can also find the version number in this file.

If you find any of these clues, you can be confident that the website was built using jQuery. The version number should be included in the javascript file.

Check out our guide on which website platform is used.

Website builders

E-commerce platforms


Javascript frameworks

Article by

Christoffer Pettersen

Founder, Web developer

Pettersen is the founder of Stackcrawler, a platform that helps analyze tech stacks. He is passionate about new trends and technologies in the software industry.