How to find out what OpenCart theme a website is using?

Updated Written By Christoffer
How to find out what OpenCart theme a website is using?

If you’re curious about what theme an OpenCart website uses, there are two main methods: 1) use an online OpenCart detector tool or 2) check the source code manually.

Method 1) Use an online OpenCart theme detector

This is the fastest way to check an OpenCart theme.

  1. Copy the URL of the OpenCart website.
  2. Paste it into our free OpenCart theme detector tool.

In seconds, you will know what theme the website is using and other tools that the website is using.

Method 2) Check the source code

You can also check the source code manually, but this is a bit more technical.

Follow the guide below, and you will know how to do it.

  1. View the Page Source: Right-click on the webpage and select “View Page Source” or “View Source”. Look for OpenCart-specific paths or filenames in the source code. For example, you might see references to files in directories like /catalog/ or /image/cache/.
  2. Check for OpenCart-Specific Files: Look for typical OpenCart directory structures or files by trying URLs like /catalog/view/theme/ which should exist on an OpenCart site.
  3. Use Browser Developer Tools: Open the website in your browser and then open the Developer Tools (usually accessible via F12 or right-click and “Inspect”). Navigate to the “Network” tab and refresh the page to capture the network activity. Look for any files being loaded from OpenCart-specific paths or scripts.
  4. Look for Common JavaScript or CSS: OpenCart sites often load specific JavaScript and CSS files common to OpenCart themes or core functionality. Spotting these files in the page source or via developer tools can be a giveaway.
  5. Check Cookies: Websites built with OpenCart might use specific cookies. You can inspect a website’s cookies by using the browser’s developer tools and navigating to the “Application” tab to view cookies. Look for any cookie names that are typically used by OpenCart.

Check out our guide on which website platform is used.

Website builders

E-commerce platforms


Javascript frameworks

Article by

Christoffer Pettersen

Founder, Web developer

Pettersen is the founder of Stackcrawler, a platform that helps analyze tech stacks. He is passionate about new trends and technologies in the software industry.