How do you detect Shopify apps a website is using?

Updated Written By Christoffer
How do you detect Shopify apps a website is using?

Detecting Shopify apps can be a first step in conducting a competitive analysis or market research.

Finding out what Shopify apps (or plugins) a website uses isn’t complicated.

In this article, we will show you two methods to detect any Shopify app used on the front end: 1) Using a Shopify app detector tool or 2) Checking the page source manually.

Psst! Check out these incredible real-life Shopify examples.

1) Using a Shopify detector tool

This is the easiest method of detecting apps used on the front in any Shopify store.

  1. Copy the URL of the Shopify store.
  2. Paste it into the text field below and click “Check.”

In just a few seconds, you will know what apps and plugins the Shopify store uses on its front.

If the website doesn’t use Shopify, that’s no problem! The tool also detects other e-commerce platforms.

Learn how to detect the theme a Shopify website is using here.

2) Checking the page source manually

This method is a bit more complicated, but anyone can do it.

Follow these steps to check the page source for Shopify app hints:

  1. Open the page source: Right-click on the webpage and select “View Page Source” or press Ctrl+U (Windows/Linux) or Cmd+Option+U (Mac).
  2. Check meta tags and comments: Search for “<!-- BEGIN app block: shopify://apps/“. The app’s name (or slugged name) is right after /apps/. Use this to search the Shopify App marketplace for that name (replacing dashes with spaces).
  3. Search for app names: Look for script and style tags referencing known Shopify app URLs. Common patterns include URLs containing the app name or specific domains associated with Shopify apps. E.g. <script src=""> or <link href="" rel="stylesheet">.

Now you have a better understanding of what Shopify Apps look like from the page source.

It might take some time, but eventually, you will easily detect these apps.

We have a guide on how to detect any Shopify store here.

Article by

Christoffer Pettersen

Founder, Web developer

Pettersen is the founder of Stackcrawler, a platform that helps analyze tech stacks. He is passionate about new trends and technologies in the software industry.