HubSpot detector

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How can you detect if a website uses HubSpot?

Detecting whether a website uses HubSpot can be accomplished by checking for specific markers in the source code.

Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you identify if a website is using HubSpot:

  1. Open the Page Source: Right-click on the webpage and select “View Page Source” or press Ctrl+U (Windows) or Cmd+Option+U (Mac) to open the page’s source code.
  2. Look for the Generator Meta Tag: Use Ctrl+F (Windows) or Cmd+F (Mac) to search for the generator meta tag. Check for:
    • <meta name="generator" content="HubSpot">
  3. Check for HubSpot JavaScript Files: Search for any references to HubSpot in the JavaScript files linked in the source code. For example, look for:
  4. Look for HubSpot-Related CSS Classes: Check for CSS classes that may be unique to HubSpot. Use the search function to find:
    • hs-form in the HTML structure.
  5. Check for HubSpot Tracking Code: Look for the HubSpot tracking code that is often found towards the end of the <body> tag. It typically includes:
    • <script src="//[YOUR-HUB-ID].js"></script>
  6. Inspect Form Fields: HubSpot forms will often include attributes related to HubSpot. Check if form fields or their IDs contain “hs” in their class or ID names.
  7. Check for HubSpot Cookies: Open the browser’s Developer Tools (F12), go to the Application tab, and look under Cookies. Search for cookies named hubspotutk or __hstc.
  8. Look for HubSpot Domain: Check the domain in the URL. HubSpot-hosted pages will typically have URLs containing the word hubspot. For example: