Cargo Site detector

How can you detect if a website is using Cargo Site?

Detecting whether a website uses Cargo Site involves looking for specific markers that are characteristic of Cargo’s platform.

Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to do it:

  1. Open the Page Source: Right-click on the webpage and select “View Page Source” or press Ctrl+U (Windows) or Cmd+Option+U (Mac) to open the page source code.
  2. Look for Cargo-Specific Tags: Search for indicators that are unique to Cargo sites. Use Ctrl+F (Windows) or Cmd+F (Mac) to open the search function and look for the following keywords:
    • This is a common marker in the page source of Cargo sites. If you find a link or reference related to this, it suggests the website is built using Cargo.
    • Cargo: Searching for the name “Cargo” might yield additional related links or scripts embedded within the page code.
  3. Check for Cargo-Specific Meta Tags: Cargo sites may include unique meta tags in their HTML. Look for tags that reference Cargo-specific configurations or properties.
  4. Look for JavaScript Files with Cargo in the URL: Check any linked JavaScript files in the page source. If they contain “cargo” in the URL, this indicates Cargo is likely being used. For example: <script src=""></script>
  5. Search for CSS Files Related to Cargo: Similar to JavaScript files, search for linked CSS files that might mention “cargo” or “”. For example: <link rel="stylesheet" href="">
  6. Look for Cargo’s Templating Markers: Some remnants of Cargo’s templating language might be visible in comments or structure, providing further indication that the site uses Cargo.
  7. Check for Custom Domain Information: Cargo allows users to set custom domains. If the website has a clearly structured and custom domain URL set up using Cargo, such as, it indicates the use of Cargo.