Beaver Builder detector

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How can you detect if a website uses Beaver Builder?

Detecting if a website uses Beaver Builder can be done by looking for specific markers in the page source of the site.

Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to do it:

  1. Open the Page Source: Right-click on the webpage and select “View Page Source” or press Ctrl+U (Windows) or Cmd+Option+U (Mac) to open the page’s source code.
  2. Search for Beaver Builder Plugin Files: Use Ctrl+F (Windows) or Cmd+F (Mac) to open the search function and look for the following path:
    • plugins/bb-plugin/: This is a specific folder for the Beaver Builder plugin and is commonly found in the page source if Beaver Builder is in use.
  3. Look for Beaver Builder-Specific Classes: Beaver Builder uses specific CSS classes. Search for classes that start with fl- (e.g., fl-rowfl-col) in the page source code.
  4. Check for Shortcodes: Beaver Builder often utilizes shortcodes in WordPress content. Look for shortcodes like [fl_builder] or [fl_section] in the page source or in specific WordPress-written content areas.
  5. Inspect JavaScript Files: Look for JavaScript files related to Beaver Builder. You can search for paths like bb-plugin.js or builder.min.js in the source code.
  6. View the Page’s HTML Structure: Beaver Builder typically adds specific HTML structures around sections and rows. Inspect the elements and look for comments or markup unique to Beaver Builder, like <!-- /wp:fl-builder -->.
  7. Check for Custom Beaver Builder Settings: Sometimes, you may find specific settings or configurations in the source code that reference Beaver Builder settings or modules. Look for terms like fl-builder-settings.