Avada detector

Avada logo

How can you detect if a website is using the Avada theme?

Detecting the Avada theme on a website involves looking for specific markers that are characteristic of this popular WordPress theme.

Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to do it:

  1. Open the Page Source: Right-click on the webpage and select “View Page Source” or press Ctrl+U (Windows) or Cmd+Option+U (Mac) to open the page source code.
  2. Search for the Avada Theme Directory: Use Ctrl+F (Windows) or Cmd+F (Mac) to open the search function and look for the following:
    • /themes/Avada: This directory is specific to the Avada theme and should appear in the source code.
  3. Look for Avada-Specific Stylesheets: Often, Avada themes will include specific CSS files. Search for:
    • avada.css: This stylesheet is commonly linked in Avada-based websites.
    • fusion*.css: Stylesheets starting with “fusion” are part of the Avada framework.
  4. Identify Avada-Specific JavaScript: Avada often includes its JavaScript libraries. Look for:
    • fusion*.js: Similar to CSS, scripts that begin with “fusion” are likely part of the Avada theme.
  5. Check for Avada Theme Meta Tags: Some meta tags may indicate the use of Avada. Search for tags containing the word “Avada” in the header section of the page.
  6. Look for Avada-Specific HTML Comments: Open source code comments may reveal specific comments by the theme developers. Look for:
    • or other comments indicating the Avada framework.
  7. Examine Theme Options and Page Builder Features: If you have access to the frontend, check for specific page builder elements that Avada uses. These may include:
    • Visual Builder: Avada often utilizes a unique visual page builder interface.
    • Theme Options Panel: Check if the website has a custom layout and settings that are typical of Avada.